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i-Talk Living Innovation
Hear the most influential people talk about innovation.

Day: Hours: Place:

Every Wednesday
from August 6th to October 1st, 2014


Talk City 91.1FM

i-Talk Living Innovation was a concept endorsed by CNMG and the radio station Talk City 91.1FM, and originated and financed by the CEO of Ixanos™ Ltd, Stephen King, co-starring Kathryn Lee Crowe, and in their mission to draw attention to the great potentials of the industries of Trinidad and Tobago. Disclaimer.

October 1st

Mark Raymond

Innovator in the Robotics field.

September 24th

Andre Wallace

Founder of Inventors' Association of Trinidad and Tobago.

September 17th

Nirad Tewarie

CEO, American Chamber of Commerce.

September 10th

Ramesh Ramdeen


September 3rd

Richard Aching

Manager of Technical Examinations, IPO.

August 27th

Ronald Chan

Entrepreneur, founder of Straight From The Garden®.

August 20th

Prakash Persad

Chariman of NIHERST.

August 13th

Christopher Lewis

CEO of ExporTT.

August 6th

Brian Copeland

Member of the Dean Engineering Faculty, UWI.